If your child is absent from school for any reason, please call the LNES 24-Hour Attendance Line at 234-5309 to report the absence. Please leave your child's name, teacher's name, and the reason for the absence. Parents should verify their child's absence within 72 hours.
When students come to school they should feel well enough to participate in their classroom program, If your child has any of these symptoms, he/she should not be at school:
- Fever (99.6 or higher). Your child must be free of fever for 24 hours (without medication) before returning to school (Normal body temperature is 98.6).
- Nasal congestion or runny nose (not associated with allergies). Please remember that green or yellow discharge is not normal and indicates infection and your child should not be at school.
- Vomiting or diarrhea
- Any diagnosed rashes
- A cold, sore throat or persistent cough
- Any open sores or wounds
- Red or swollen eyes
- Earache
- School begins promptly at 7:45 am. Students not in their class line for the start of morning ceremony at 7:45 am will be deemed tardy. Students should be encouraged to be prompt as part of their learning. They are expected to be at school on time. If a child is late, the child should bring an excuse from home to the school office. Frequent tardiness without a valid excuse is considered truant under state law.
- All children arriving late MUST report to the office BEFORE entering the classroom in order for their absence to be cleared. Your child will be given a Tardy Slip to enter class.
- Parents of students who accumulate 3 or more unexcused tardies during each reporting period (approximately 20 days) will receive a tardy letter.